Mercenaries Fighting Force - Archived Site

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United We Stand

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Welcome to the Mercenaries Fighting Force Web Site.  Our CFS squadron was established on January 1, 2003. 
Be sure to sign our guestbook located on the contact page. 
Thank you for Visiting!

The Mercenaries Fighting Force is made up of six different wings (squads) which are set up according to time zones and individuals' flying times. This allows Merc presence at various times and different time zones.
Be sure to get in touch with us to offer comments and join our mailing list.  The Forum link in the navigation bar is active and users are welcome to drop us a line.  You can also drop us a line by email, just visit the contact page.
Thank You,
The Mercenaries Fighting Force


This Squadron is inspired by the Flying Tigers, the World War II American Volunteer Group. A band of pilots who fought the Japanese over China.


Last updated on 4/28/2009, 4:49:24 AM



The installation packages have been provided as a service to MFF members and other CFS2 enthusiasts. MFF make no claim to authorship of any of the files therein. The Copyright remains with the original authors and with Microsoft Corporation who retain copyright of portions of each of the AI-flyable packages.