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Zone Aid v2.0 (Full)

CFS2 utility package: provides access to CFO weather/warping utility and makes some AI aircraft flyable. However, CFO and AI-Flyable aircraft are better installed via the download links below. Thanks to Ziggy/HA 13 for a wonderful tool for CFS2, 

Fair Skies v1.9

CFS2 stock aircrafts authentication software. Thanks to Ziggy/HA 13

Enhanced CFO for CFS2 V7.5.7

Bill Potvin's most recent version of CFO provides full 'warping' capability, but also adds an automatic 'No Fun Rules' option to your Options menu and provides access to a 'bomb trainer' feature for offline play.

MdlEdit v1.1

A utility for reducing the crash bubble size of the CFS2 aircraft. A setting of ‘2’ is suggested.


Multiswap and DPswap utilities bundled in a single package. Required for online multiswap missions and carrier training exercises.

Roger Wilco

 Alternative radio communications software, widely used on the Zone

Using Roger Wilco



V3 HUD Enhancement

Enhanced HUD with compass, flight surface control indicators and VSI indicator.


Ready Room Fix


Fix which will only modify the layout of your multiplayer Graphical User Interface.

Steering Fix    

These files Correct tail wheel behaviour in CFS2 Corsair/Hellcat/Wildcat aircraft to improve maneuverability on the ground and on deck. Thanks to 526th_Fireman for this great fix.

Gun Fix Corsair    

Sight adjustment – Corsair

Default Corsair fix  

This fix sets the corsair as default.

AI Flyable   

A program to make the CFS2 default AI aircraft flyable

Flight Simulator Favorites

Sim Favorites lets you save your current position in the Flight Simulator virtual world to a "favorites" file, which can be used at some later time to restore the saved position. A favorite is a small text file with a ".cfv" extension, similar to the "url" file used by Internet Explorer to save a web site location. The files are stored on your hard drive in a folder called "Favorites" created under your Flight Simulator folder.



It is best that this Patch be installed after all other CFS2 additions have been completed.


RAF662 Gun Sight Swapper v2.0 for CFS1/2/VB6 Runtime Files 


Description: This version works for both CFS1 and CFS2. You get the gunsights in RED, GREEN and ORANGE colors. There are two new gunsights for this version, both smaller than the usual gunsights.
NB:  VB6 Runtimes files are also required. Visual Basic 6 Runtime files needed for some utility programs. Please install these files before using the utility. If the runtime files my get corrupted the utility will stop functioning. If this happens just simply reinstall the VB6_Runtime files.

Thanks to the RAF662.


Merc Bases


Mercenaries Bases- Sol Is-Korro


Solomon Islands Mission


Shipyard 3.0

Places landable carriers and other shipping near all default CFS2 airfields

Carrier Haven 3

Places landable carriers in Norwegian Fjord scenery



CFS2 Tweak Guide






The most popular compression utility for Windows


Adobe reader 

Free software for viewing and printing PDF Files   



A freeware screen capture tool.




A Help site



The installation packages have been provided as a service to MFF members and other CFS2 enthusiasts. MFF make no claim to authorship of any of the files therein. The Copyright remains with the original authors and with Microsoft Corporation who retain copyright of portions of each of the AI-flyable packages.